How do I lock or unlock a user?

When you lock a user:

  • All physical and virtual cards assigned to that user are locked and can't be used.
  • The user can't be issued new cards.
  • The user can't log into the Caary mobile app. If the user is an admin, they also can't log into the admin portal.  
  • You can unlock a user at any time. 

To lock a user:

1. Log into the admin portal and select Users from the left-hand menu.

2. Find the user whose account you want to lock, and click the drop-down arrow. 

4. Click Lock Account in the bottom left. You're done!

To unlock a user:

1. Follow steps 1 - 3 above. 

2. Click Unlock Account. The user will now be able to use their physical and virtual cards, have new cards issued to them, and access the mobile app and (if applicable) the admin portal.