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  2. Accounting Integration

Why did my QuickBooks account disconnect?

If you connected your QuickBooks account but it disconnected: 

1. Log in to your QuickBooks account. 

2. Select Accounting > Chart of Accounts from the left-hand menu. 

3. You'll see “Caary Mastercard” in the list. If this account information was modified or deleted, it will have disconnected your QuickBooks and Caary accounts. To reconnect the accounts, click “New” in the top right corner. 

4. Enter the following criteria exactly as it appears and click Save. Note that "Caary Mastercard" is case sensitive.

Account Type: Credit Card 

Detail Type: Credit Card 

Name: Caary Mastercard 

5. Your QuickBooks and Caary accounts should now be reconnected. To ensure they stay connected, please avoid making any changes to the “Caary Mastercard” account settings in QuickBooks.  

If the above steps didn’t resolve the issue, please reach out to support@caary.com and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.