How do I allow or disallow ATM withdrawals / cash advances on physical cards?

Learn more about ATM withdrawals on Caary cards here.

Caary admins can allow or disallow ATM withdrawals on any physical card:

1. Log in to the admin portal and select "Cards" from the left-hand menu.

2. Find the card you want to update and click the grey arrow to expand the drop down menu. Click "Manage Card".

3. When the "Allow ATM Withdrawals" button is toggled on, the cardmember can make cash withdrawals using the card. By default, ATM withdrawals are automatically allowed for all physical cards.

4. To disallow ATM Withdrawals for an individual card, toggle off the button and click "Save". You can reverse this change any time by toggling the button back on. 

5. You'll see a pop up confirming that your change was successful.

6. Cards that have ATM Withdrawals disallowed will show a dollar sign icon on the Cards menu.