How do I add a secondary admin?

You can have an unlimited number of secondary admins to help you manage your Caary account.

Secondary admins have full access to the Caary admin portal and all its features, but they can't grant other users admin access or revoke access from the program admin.  

To add a secondary admin who is a cardmember, follow the steps below. You can also add a secondary admin when you issue a new card or add a new user.

1. Log in to the admin portal and select “Users” from the left-hand menu.

2. Find the cardmember in the list of users and click the drop-down arrow to load their details.  

3. Under “Role,” change the user’s role from Cardmember to Administrator.  

4. Click Save. The user will receive an email notifying them that they are now a Caary admin. You can remove a secondary admin at any time.

5. To access the admin portal, the secondary admin must log in using their credentials for the Caary app. If they’re new to Caary, they will first need to download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and create an account. The same email address and password can now be used to log in to the admin portal.